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2024Waste Expo Brasil参观攻略(时间+地点+门票预约+交通)
08-23 11:56:09 1122
(Waste Expo Brasil)Waste Expo Brasil将于2024年10月22日-10月22日,在Expo Center Norte举办,本文将对该Waste Recycling and Disposal展举办时间、地点、购票等相关信息进行详述。 在即将到来的2024年10月22日-10月22日,Expo Center Norte将迎来一场行业盛会——Waste Expo Brasil(Waste Expo Brasil)。这场备受瞩目的盛会不仅是一场展览,更是一个汇聚了国内外知名企业、专家学者和行业领袖的高端交流平台。下文将介绍展会参展及展会的相关信息。 一、展会时间 2024年10月22日-10月22日(为期2天) 二、参观时间 10月22日 09:00-18:00(周二) 10月23日 09:00-18:00(周三) 10月24日 09:00-18:00(周四) 三、展会地点 展馆: Expo Center Norte 地址: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 - Vila Guilherme, São Paulo - SP, 02055-000 -23.510397 -46.612067 四、展会门票 展期票 2024.10.22-10.24 0元 参观须知: (1)参观当日持本人居民身份证直接刷卡入馆; (2)持其他有效证件的需扫预约二维码入馆; (3)没有身份证的儿童须由成人带领入馆。 展会简介 The Waste Expo Brasil is the only environmental exhibition for solid waste management in Brazil. The exhibition will bring together professionals from the solid waste industry, government officials, researchers, technicians, project managers, consultants, and public managers to share experiences, trends, and case studies. (The content of this article belongs exclusively to Juzhan, and unauthorized forwarding is prohibited.) The previous edition of the Waste Expo Brasil exhibition covered a total area of 12,000 square meters, with 209 participating companies from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, China, etc., and a total of 14,500 participants. In addition to Brazil's inherent market advantages, the Waste Expo Brasil exhibition will also feature an international forum discussing concentrated solid waste management, as well as some Brazilian solid waste management issues, exploring opportunities and challenges for new legal management procedures. Expo Center Norte 举办展馆: Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 - Vila Guilherme, São Paulo - SP, 02055-000
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